Alerts List
AL2022_73 Several vulnerabilities discovered in Grafana, including critical privilege escalation (11th Novemb
Description The open-source, multi-platform, analytics and visualization application Grafana has recently received an update to address several vuln . . . Read more

Date Publish: Nov 11th 22
AL2022_72 RomCom RAT impersonates websites to spread malware (7th November 2022)
Description The threat actors behind the RomCom Remote Access Trojan (RAT) campaign were recently seen producing clones of official websites for Sol . . . Read more

Date Publish: Nov 7th 22
AL2022_71 Windows Mark-of-the-Web (MotW) remains vulnerable, but receives unofficial patch (4th November 2022
Description Attackers are actively exploiting two vulnerabilities existing in Windows Mark-of-the-Web (MotW) that allows malicious attachments to sn . . . Read more

Date Publish: Nov 4th 22
AL2022_70 Cranefly threat actors use new stealthy techniques to gather data and control malware (2nd November
Description The hacker group Cranefly was recently spotted using an undocumented dropper that utilizes a never-before-seen technique of reading Inte . . . Read more

Date Publish: Nov 2nd 22
AL2022_69 Multiple GitHub repositories deliver fraudulent PoCs with malware (26th October 2022)
Description Security researchers have recently found thousands of GitHub repositories providing fraudulent proof of concept (PoC) exploits that are . . . Read more

Date Publish: Oct 26th 22
AL2022_68 New information stealing malware targets Facebook business accounts (21st October 2022)
Description A new PHP version of the Ducktail malware campaign has been designed for Windows to target Facebook business accounts, browser data and . . . Read more

Date Publish: Oct 21st 22
AL2022_67 New Alchimist command and control framework targets Windows, macOS, and Linux Systems (14th October
Description Researchers have recently stumbled upon a new attack framework which includes a command and control (C2) server called Alchimist and a n . . . Read more

Date Publish: Oct 14th 22
AL2022_66 Microsoft Exchange server zero-day mitigation is circumvented (13th October 2022)
Description Microsoft officially disclosed that it is investigating two zero-day security vulnerabilities affecting Exchange Server 2013, 2016 and 2 . . . Read more

Date Publish: Oct 13th 22
AL2022_65 New Go-based malware called Chaos targets Windows and Linux devices (7th October 2022)
Description A new Go-based malware dubbed Chaos has seen rapid growth in recent months infecting a wide range of devices from Windows, Linux, small . . . Read more

Date Publish: Oct 7th 22
AL2022_64 New NullMixer Malware Campaign Stealing Users” Payment Data and Credentials (7th October 2022)
Description A new malware dropper known as “NullMixer” is simultaneously infecting Windows devices with a dozen different malware famili . . . Read more

Date Publish: Oct 7th 22
AL2022_63 Microsoft SQL servers targeted by ransomware attacks (27th September 2022)
Description Security researchers have warned that vulnerable Microsoft SQL servers are being targeted in a new wave of attacks by the FARGO ransomwa . . . Read more

Date Publish: Sep 27th 22
AL2022_62 Emotet botnet now used to distribute Quantum and BlackCat ransomware (23rd September 2022)
Description Security researchers have recently found that the Emotet botnet is now being utilized to distribute the Quantum and Blackcat ransomware af . . . Read more

Date Publish: Sep 23rd 22