Certification Scams (January 10, 2024)

Ref# AL2024_01 | Date: Jan 10th 2024


In an era where professional certifications play a pivotal role in career advancement and industry recognition, the emergence of certification scams poses a significant threat to individuals and organizations alike. This article delves into the alarming rise of certification scams in Guyana. 


The University of Guyana, renowned for its commitment to quality education, recently discovered that fraudulent entities were falsely representing themselves as affiliated with the institution. Exploiting the university’s reputation, these scammers claimed to provide free courses as part of a supposed initiative to democratize education. Such deceptive practices not only tarnished the university’s image but also posed a threat to individuals seeking genuine learning opportunities. 

It is important to note that this scam not only targets the University of Guyana but also presents itself as if the government is offering free courses to the public. 

Figure 1: shows the campaign as if the government is involved. 

Figure 2: shows the campaign involving the University of Guyana 

University of Guyana’s Response: The University of Guyana, upon learning of this fraudulent activity, has taken swift action to address the scam and protect the interests of potential victims. The university is actively engaging in public awareness campaigns to educate the community about the scam, advising individuals to verify the authenticity of course offerings directly through official university channels. 


The university’s swift response to identify and expose the fraudulent claim of offering free courses demonstrates the importance of vigilance in the digital age of education. As online learning continues to evolve, institutions must remain vigilant against scams that compromise the trust of students and the integrity of educational offerings. Through a combination of legal action, enhanced cybersecurity measures, and public awareness campaigns, universities can safeguard their reputation and ensure that individuals seeking education are not misled by deceptive schemes. 

The Guyana National CIRT recommends that users exercise extreme caution when encountering offers for free courses, especially those claiming affiliation with reputable institutions. Individuals are advised to verify the legitimacy of such offerings through official channels and report any suspicious activity promptly. 

PDF Download: AL2024_01 Certification Scams (January 10, 2024)
