How to make your website secure (27th September 2022)

Ref# T2022_18 | Date: Sep 27th 2022

Securing your website entails putting safeguards in place to keep hackers, bugs, and other online nasties out. Otherwise, your data may be jeopardized, your website may crash and you may even lose money. We will look at different free ways to secure your website. 

Install SSL  

SSL stands for Secure Sockets Layer. When you install an SSL certificate on your website, it encrypts data (such as login information) that is transmitted between your site and your visitors. Google now warns visitors when they enter a site that lacks SSL and even “discriminates” against such sites in its search results. SSL security is especially important if you accept payments, request login information, or transfer files through your website. Without it, the data is unprotected and becomes vulnerable to hackers. SSL comes in various levels; for example, e-commerce sites that process payment information should use a more advanced version. 

Regularly update your website

Outdated software can expose your website to viruses, cyber-attacks and other security vulnerabilities. To help avoid these issues, keep your website up to date by checking for updates regularly or setting up auto-updates. These updates typically contain security patches from developers, so they must be applied as soon as possible. 

Use strong passwords

Using common words, number sequences, your name or the name of your website as passwords is like inviting hackers into your home. These passwords make it simple to hack into your website. 

Using strong passwords is a simple and cost-free way to secure your website. Strong passwords include the following: 

  • A mix of alphabetical and numeric characters 

  • Both capital and lower-case letters are acceptable. 

  • Characters that stand out 

Add in Two-Factor Authentication 

Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) is a security layer that improves the security of your website. Two-Factor Authentication employs two distinct structures to prevent malicious hackers from gaining access to your website. As a dual-sided puzzle, the security layer binds your password with a text code, facial or retina recognition or your fingerprint. A scanner on your mobile device can capture your fingerprint or retina. Anyone attempting to gain access to your website will have to solve both puzzles. Two-Factor Authentication is not a perfect system, but it will improve the security of a website.  

Back up your website on a regular basis

Creating routine backups of your website is not a preventative measure for website security but it is critical in the event of malicious attacks, hardware failure or natural disasters. Having a backup of your site means it can be restored quickly. You risk losing all of your data, customizations and settings if you don”t have a backup. 

Backups of your website”s core files, media, non-media content and databases are also possible. Backups will save you time, money and effort in the event of data loss. Backups can be created manually with a tool or by relying on your hosting provider. Most tools and hosting companies allow you to schedule and automate backups. 

Scan frequently 

Scanning your site regularly can help you detect any issues or threats before they cause serious harm to your visitors” user experience or your brand”s reputation. In addition to using independent security software, plugin, addon or company, you can use a hosting company that offers malware and virus scanning to their customers. This option is best for non-ecommerce websites that do not conduct financial transactions. 

The Guyana National CIRT recommends that users and administrators review this tip and apply it where necessary. 

PDF Download: How to make a website secure.pdf
